Banks Family Reunion
Elberton, Georgia
June 8th and 9th, 2007
Now back to this year’s (2007) reunion in Elberton. The dates are set for June 8th and 9th. So mark your calendar. Make a special effort to attend all the activities. A new feature being planned will be a power point program from several past Banks reunions.
Our first activity will be visitation, registration and a delicious meal catered by Ann Plummer and her helpers at First United Methodist Church in downtown Elberton, beginning at 6 p.m. After dinner, we will have a power point presentation put together by Ed and Annette Jackson using some pictures from past reunions by Thomas Dixon.
On Saturday morning, we will convene the business meeting and Roll Call of Families at 9 a.m., pay our respects to family members who have died since our last reunion, and discuss the status of Banks Family books, and elect new officers for 2007-2009. As many of you know, Ralph and Rachel Jones Banks were among the original founders of this church, and they donated land for the original church building.
After a delicious lunch, including tasty desserts prepared by the ladies of Coldwater, Open House will be held at Coldwater Plantation House, owned by Anne Banks and hosted by Anne and her son Ross. He will have some furniture on display and sale throughout the house. Ross is a master craftsman and artist who build items made from wood harvested from the 149--acre Coldwater Plantation.